Here is what was new in our website in November 2010.
•Got a new email address for Dick Froio while he is in FL
•Added obituaries of Marcia Allen’s husband and Andrea Lahey’s father.
•Sent out a notice regarding Dave Farrell’s video on YouTube
•Honored three more 50th Wedding Anniversaries;
Marcia Ballard and Don Clark
Marie Cozzolino
Bob Ackhart
I would like to be able to post pictures of the happy couples along with their names in our website. I know that there were pictures taken on the anniversary date or very near to it. Please, with sugar on top, send me the file so I can post it.
I don’t know of any more 50th anniversaries occurring before April. If you (or a classmate you know who doesn’t use the internet) has one, let me know!
•Added an entry for Jerry Trask and his naval service
•Sent out a notice of the passing of Marilyn Flynn’s widower.
If I missed something, let me know!
Have a great holiday season!