Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Latest News

09-01-2012 - Lois Landy and Ed Steinman's son honored
  • Attached File (Lois-&-Ed's-Son.jpg)
  • This is a copy of a front page article in the August 31, 2012, issue of the Berkshire Eagle regarding the awarding of a police Medal of Honor to the son of classmates Lois and Ed Steinman for heroism.

    (This is difficult to read because of a problem with the web site. If you would like a fullsized copy, drop me a note. Paul)

    09-13-2010 - London's Financial Times Highlights Pittsfield
  • Attached File (FINANCIAL TIMES, Brooklyn of the Berkshires Sept 11 2010.doc)
  • Here is a nice story about Pittsfield that was in, of all places, London's Financial Times newspaper.

    08-09-2010 - Doug Cowan and the Carousel Project
    Classmate Doug Cowan has been very active in the Carousel Project in Pittsfield. There is a website (http://www.berkshirecarousel.com) at which you can read more about it. Here is an article that highlights Doug's efforts that was in the Berkshire Eagle.

    Old News

  • 07-18-2010 - Mt. Carmel Church buildings sold - As there are many classmates of Italian descent in our cl...
  • 06-17-2010 - Our Great City --column in Berkshire Eagle - Here is an article discussing some of the details that we...
  • 06-11-2010 - Bob Kidd Focus of Lead Story in Community Newspaper - Bob is the subject of the lead story in the June 2010 iss...
  • 05-21-2010 - Mention of John Reagan in Eagle commentary - John was mention quite favorably in a column in the paper...
  • 02-19-2010 - Remembering Harold E. Hennessy - Here is a nice column regarding Mr. Hennessy, our princip...
  • 07-28-2009 - Berkshire Medical Center -- Wall Street Journal Page One article. - See the attached for a very positive story about Pittsfie...
  • 06-30-2008 - Pittsfield's July 4th Parade listed it among the 10 best parade venues in the country - Rosalie Allen Bennett saw the article in USA Today and ga...
  • 06-30-2008 - Hank Allessio Honors Heroes of His Town - Hank Allessio has had a project of honoring servicemen an...
  • 04-27-2008 - 'The Rookie' (Sherm Safford) again in the news - Here is a story about 'The Rookie', a Norman Rockwell pai...
  • 03-01-2008 - Pittsfield - 10 Reasons to Visit (from Yankee Magazine) - An article in the Nov/Dec 2007 issue of Yankee Magazine
  • 03-01-2008 - Pittsfield - The city is on a major upswing despite recent setbacks - Attached to this is an article from the Berkshire Eagle o...

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