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Jerry Trask - 06-28-2012
Well I made it to the 55th class reunion, and I'm sure glad I did. I meant a lot
of my ole classmates that I haven't seen in 20 years. It has been a long time since I danced so much and had a blast doing it with all those beautiful women.
Well I'm back in sunny calif. and looking forward to all the pictures that will be posted. Judith Fairfield Webster - 05-24-2012
Just was looking at the classmates coming to our 55th reunion and didn't see my name or Judy Dunlevy's. I assume she is coming since her husband Don Whitman is on the list. I know I'm coming and my name is missing too! So LORD willing I will see you all there in June.
Stay safe
Judith Fairfield Webster - 03-24-2012
Thanks for the info Paul. Will be testing all this information as I become more comfortable with using my iPad. Would like to be able to post pictures but don't think I can. Maybe my daughter can on her computer. Will have to keep asking her to show me different things. Thanks again. See you and Pat in a few months.
Judith Fairfield Webster - 03-23-2012
Enjoying reading all the comments from classmates. Am just learning how to manipulate this computer stuff. My youngest is teaching me. Hope to be at our 55th. Am planning on it Lord willing. See you all in June.
high school diploma - 12-22-2010
Cool info dude keep it up.
sandfordhighschool.com Carole Spearin McCauley - 05-10-2010
Thanks to Paul Venti, John Reagan, and everybody who has worked hard on this website to post clippings, photos, and mementos. I saw photos of myself about being National Merit finalist and one of my PHS News columns in Eagle, plus photos of many of you. 'The first 100 years are the hardest--after that, you get to lie down.' My French-Canadian ancestors thought that one up!
Good wishes from Carole Anne Farrell - 01-17-2010
Love your website Paul; It brings back some wondfrful memories. Carole Spearin McCauley - 08-02-2009
It's truly touching to see so many people again (and what we look like now!) Hope you who read this are doing well. I've attended as many reunions as I can. Good wishes from Carole Spearin McCauley --now Carole from Hanover, NH, where I moved after my husband, Arthur, died in Greenwich, CT. Am still writing and getting pieces and books published. Also taught fiction writing at Dartmouth Adult Ed recently. Am keeping on keeping onward. DIANE RENZONI BENTLEY - 03-04-2009
Paul, yould a fantastic job putting this website together. Since I finally made it to the 50th Reunion I have been able to go back in time to so many good memories of school and of friends from the past. I hope to hear from some of my old classmates. I forgot to mention that I did make the 15th Reunion. I still have the glass mugs you gave out. Donna (Nicholas) Gable Stacy - 02-20-2009
Just another visit from a member of the Class of 1958. Paul contacted me to tell me that he posted a notice of the Berkshire Bash event that we hold in Nokomis, Florida every year. Couldn't resist taking a peak. I must say, your website is great! Martha Moses - 08-01-2008
Congratulations Paul and everyone who contributed to this fabulous web-site. I love browsing through the photos, and next trip back to New York, I promise to dig through my photos to send you whatever I have. I'm retired to Mexico but keep a place in New York. I certainly welcome any emails from old friends.
JOHN P. 'JACK' NAVIN - 07-12-2008
Hats off to Paul and all who worked to put this site together. Just spent the last 2.5 hours reminising (sp?), as I looked at all the photos and names..It brought back a flood of memories to me, from the 'The Common', to the 'Boys Club', to the 'F.M.T.A.' and all the parks we played baseball at...Thank you all so much, it's a great time to be alive...Feel free to e-mail me..Thanks again, Jack Navin PHS'55..... Mark Cannon - 05-30-2008
Oh.....by the way, when I said I didn't remember Sherman, all I meant was that I didn't go to PHS (I'm just a 'guest' here), so I couldn't remember someone I never knew!!
But we are now proud to have his 'portrait' in our house. :-) Mark Cannon - 05-06-2008
Just a guest here......I can't say I remember you, Mr. Safford, but now we sort of 'know' you because we just had the pleasure of buying 'the picture' at a poster auction in New York City!
In addition to the original artwork (and of course the magazine cover), there was a limited run of original posters for the magazine, and we are now the proud owners of one of those. What makes it even better is, we're sort of NEIGHBORS of PIttsfield......we have a house in New Marlboro, just outside Great Barrington, and that'll be the poster's new 'home.'
We were thrilled to see this post of yours on the PHS site. We hope the years have been good to you!!
Regards, Mark & Marcia Sherman Safford,( Scotty) - 03-14-2008
Linda Herzog just sent us an email regarding your web site and I thought I would see if there was anyone who remembered me.
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