September 30, 2013
Dear PHS57 classmates:
Here is what was new on our website in Sept 2013.
• Sadly, added one more name to the list of classmates who have died. Paula Shaffer Schmitt passed away in late September and her obituary was posted at
• On a happy note, we had two classmates celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary during the month, Beverly Stafford and Glenda Albert Their entry into our web site can be seen at
• Continuing with that idea, we became aware of two classmates who had celebrated their 50th in the past who we never honored in our web site, Irene Johnson and Sally Zimmerman. That has been corrected and a section honoring their anniversary was put in the 50th Wedding Anniversary gallery. I hope to improve them by getting the newspaper article that announced their marriages.
• We now have at least 100 classmates who have celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
• Finally, in this area, I added a section for Mary Pomeroy. It is a conditional entry because I do not know if it is valid as I have not been able to contact Mary. Does anyone know if it is valid? Please let me know.
• Lilia Canzano sent in a picture from the 5th Reunion. We now have 3!!! Can anyone out there find some pictures from reunions? Please send me a scan of the picture.