Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - 5 Year Reunion - Avaloch Inn
Pictures in Gallery: 3
Only three pictures here. Someone must have some other pictures. Please look in your file of old stuff and you may find a few. You can post them yourself!

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Here are Liz Lake, Ralph Lake, Jerry Trask, Dick Rabideau in back and ??, Gary Vincent, Adrienne Trask and John Handy in front.
Posted By: Thanks to Lil Canzano
Views: 2136

Patricia Stiffler & Paul Venti 1962 -- recently married.
Posted By: Paul Venti
Views: 3025

On left: Paula Schafer, ?, ?, Rosemary Sinopoli, & Ro's fiancé, John Cinella. On the right are: Paula's husband, Chuck, and Pat Stiffler. Way in back on right is Ray Tuggey talking to Frank Murphy
Posted By: Paul Venti
Views: 3071

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