Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, National Guardsmen
Pictures in Gallery: 93
A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to and including my life. That is honor.'
Many of our classmates served and matured in the Armed Forces. This section is for the pictures of them in uniform, on duty, whatever. If you served, we invite you to post your picture and short blurb that includes service dates, branch, etc.
Ralph Lake, US Navy -- Like a lot of my friends,I joined the Naval Reserve while still in high school. It was a 6 year obligation starting in 1956. Meetings at the navy building on the Boulevard I ...
Richard Fairfield, US Army I was in the Army from Feb. 1958 to Feb. 1961 and did Basic in Fort Dix, NJ and Advanced Basic in Artiliry at Fort Chaffee, Ark. Then went to Darmstat, Germa...
Roger Procopio  went into the Air Force right after graduation via the officers' training program at Lackland Air Base in San Antonio, TX. He says, 'I was in the Air Force from May 1962 to Sept 19...
Scotty Safford says, 'I joined the US Army when I was 17 and by 21 had my active requirement satisfied. ....continued my association with the Army Reserve. From '63 through 1970, I was a Drill Ser...
Tom Holleran entered the US Army in Sept. 1959, completing basic training at Ft, Dix. He then completed a 20 week bandsman course at the US Naval School of Music in Virginia. This picture of my 'Du...
Tom Mulcahy served in the U. S. Marine Corps as an officer in the early 60s.
Posted By: Tom Mulcahy 07-16-2010 Views: 1927
Tony Adornetto, LT, USAR
I graduated from the Army ROTC at RPI in 1961- that's me lying on the ground. I was the flag bearer because I was the shortest. I then went to a 6 months training...
Wayne Powell, U.S. Army. Â I was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in June 1961 out of ROTC at Kansas State University. Â I went on active duty in August, 1961. Â I completed Artillery school at Ft ...