Ruth Sherman Kelly writes: 'I was watching Imus on TV one morning while still in bed. Tim was on and mentioned he was writing this book and wanted people to send him stories about their dads. I got up and came to my computer and went to his website. There was something on there about the book. I had a wonderful Dad and felt it was a great opportunity to write about him. I sat down, wrote the story and sent it and figured that was that. About one hour later I got an email back from Bob Novak who was working with him on the book asking me if I could shorten it just a smidge and send it back. I did. He wrote back and said he was going to show it to Tim and they would get back to me and that he thought it was a great story. About six months later I got a letter from Tim telling me he was going to use it in his book. After it was published I was invited to a reception in Hartford with some others whose stories were in the book. Got to meet him and visit with him. He signed my book and I got my picture taken with him. It was a wonderful experience I will never forget. I am very sad he is no longer with us.'
This is page 21 in the book 'Wisdom of Our Fathers.'
Posted By: Ruth Sherman Kelly - 08-07-2008 Views: 1951