Author Frank W. Kaan, in his article 'Historical Sketch of Pittsfield,' published in the January, 1885, issue of The Bay State Monthly, describes the layout and character of that town in the late 19th century as such:
'The four principal streets of the town, named from the points of the compass, meet at the Park. North street contains the bulk of the stores and business places. On the corner of West street is the building of the Berkshire Life Insurance Company, which was incorporated in 1851, and has always included among its Directors and Managers the best business men in the town and county, who naturally take great pride in it as one of the soundest Life Insurance Companies of the country. In the same building are three national and one savings bank, besides the town and other offices. Immediately beyond is Mr. Atwoods drug store, an establishment of long standing, which would bear favorable comparison with any similar store as regards either attention or knowledge of a druggists duties. Farther along the same street are Central Block and the Academy of Music. In other parts of Pittsfield broad streets, lined with tall elms and shady horse-chestnut trees, invite our footsteps. The dwelling-houses are mostly of wood, built in the cottage and villa styles of architecture; many are stately edifices; many are hospitable mansions; all show unmistakable evidence of being comfortable homes. Scattered over the township, each springing up around a mill or two, are miniature villages. Their population is largely made up of foreigners, Irish and Germans, whose condition appears to be somewhat better than that of the same class in cities. Both sexes are represented among the operatives. The mills, mostly small, are located with a view to an opportunity for using water power, yet none are without steam power as well. In the same neighborhood are the large farms and expensive estates of the mill-owners, the wealthiest class in the community. Between the villages, in fact, upon all the roads, every turn brings in sight pleasing views which never repeat themselves or become monotonous.'
Relatively soon after Kaan's short history was published, in 1891, Pittsfield - originally incorporated as Pontoosuck Plantation in 1753 - was incorporated as a city. Perhaps Kaan was a bit off in his observation six years before, that: 'Pittsfield, although one of the largest towns in the country, is not ambitious to try a city form of government.'