180131 Gas Holder Building -- are you as I who thought this was a roundhouse? I can remember Coach Ed Hickey's joke as we went by it on the bus to a baseball game: 'Did you hear about the ball player who went in there and went crazy looking for a corner to --------- in?.' Here is another memory from a classmate: We lived on Appleton Ave
..... Late 40’s and I had a paper route that included Lowden street. The Lowden greenhouses occupied the left side of the street. The first bldg. was a garage that had a small apartment over it (still there) and an old gent (Harry Lowden) lived there. We talked often and one day while talking about fishing he told a story about when the gas house opened. The Housatonic at the time was a good trout stream but when the gas house opened it dumped it’s by-product (??) into the river and killed all the fish for ½ mile downstream until the west branch joined the river.
Before the building was torn down I would think about old Harry when I drove by.