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2009 From Joan (LeFebvre) Karam: This is a picture of my whole family --
The back row is Chris, Joanne, Angie, Adam, Joey, Denise, Kristal, Roger, and Sam. Middle is Joe, Cassandra, Aunt Bobbie, Myself, Maxine on the end.
Bottom are the twins, Amy and Kali, Naomi, Toni-Jade, David, and Shane.
The only two missing are my husband and son Tony who both passed away.
I watch Toni and David all summer with the others taking turns for a week here and there they keep me buzy but i love it The only 3 Americans in the pictures are myself, son Joe and daughter Joanne.The rest are Canadian. I have been up here 34 1/2 years.

Posted By: Joan (Lefbvre) Karem - 07-12-2009
Views: 3535

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