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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Berkshire Eagle Trivia Questions 1-10
Every day, the Berkshire Eagle publishes a 'Berkshire Trivia' question. Here are some of them.

1. In 1876, the historic Pontoosuc Woolen Manufacuring Company of Pittsfield was famous for the production of what item?
A - Mittens
B - Blankets
C - Tablecloths
D - Winter hats
E - Cardigan sweaters
F - Long Underwear

2. A.H. Rice opened up a manufacturing facility in 1885. What product was made?
A - Plastic Silverware
B - Silk threads
C - Iron skillets
D - Clay pottery
E - Woolen skirts
F - Woolen suits for men

3. There were 61 street or fire hydrants in Pittsfield in 1876. That increased to how many by 1915
A - 88
B - 101
C - 217
D - 440
E - 573
F - 942

4. In 1885, who lit up Pittsfield's North Street for Christmas?
A - Robert Bartlett
B - John Allen
C - George Burbank
D - William Stanley
E - Thomas Edison
F - Simon England

5. Who was elected in 1890 as the first mayor of Pittsfield?
A - James R. Hall
B - William W. Wendell
C - Charles E. Hibbard
D - William N. Plunkett
E - Samuel L. Pomeroy
F - Jeremiah G. Briggs

6. In what year did Pittsfield become a city?
A - 1860
B - 1865
C - 1880
D - 1885
E - 1890
F - 1895

7. In 1862, H. Davis & Co. opened on North Street. What was it?
A - Grocery Store
B - Insurance Company
C - Bank
D - Department Store
E - Law Firm
F - Shoe store

8. In 1898, Samuel and Carter Bowerman opend the elegant Wendell Hotel to honor whom?
A - Their mother
B - Their father
C - Their brother
D - Their sister
E - The senator from Massachusetts
F - Their grandfather

9. The Colonial Theater opened on 9/13/1903. What play was performed that day?
A - The Wizard of Oz
B - Robin Hood
C - War of the Roses
D - The Peaceful Road Home
E - Pirates of Penzance
F - Hamlet

10. How many different streets were named in the Pittsfield phone directory in 1915?
A - 80
B - 200
C - 400
D - 500
E - 700
F - 855

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