Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 122
Every one of us was born in '38, '39 or '40 which makes us all over 70 so there's no reason for your not having a picture of your family and yourself here. Many of us have extended families with grandchildren and such. Here is a place where you can share recent pictures of yourselves with your family or friends. Simply send the file to Paul for adding to this area.

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George Sherman and his son, Damian. Taken just before Damian's 'Swim, Bike, and Run' team took the silver medal in a YMCA  relay race!! He's now 26 years old, and is really into bike racing!!
Posted By: George Sherman
Views: 3327

Joan Calnan Vuillemot and her husband of 52 years, Jerry.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3297

2011 Here is Gary Lausier shown with the band he plays with in early 2011. I understand that Gary plays the trumpet. Someone help me out - which of the 4 trumpet players is Gary? (3rd  from left)
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3314

2010  Bobby and Barbara Budnitz
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3338

101126 Marie Cozzolino's family - most of it. BACK ROW:  Michael Matthews, Christopher Putko, Jacob Matthews, Mary Zabian, Robert Putko, James Putko, Elizabeth Matthews, Marie Putko, Katelyn Mon...
Posted By: Marie Cozzolino
Views: 3470

110214 Here is a picture of me (Ruth Kelly) a while ago showing off to my friends in the south one of the snowbanks on our street.  It was the worst winter here at the lake (Ashmere Lake in Hi...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3358

110309  Just to bring you up to date. this picture is of Lavender Kozaka (nickname Livi) with Norma and me at our home in Easton. We've had her for five weeks and we are her legal guardians. At...
Posted By: Courtesy of John Kozaka
Views: 3527

101205  Don Duda and his wife, Pat (Olds) took a cruise in the later part of 2010 and sent this along.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3319

101031 My husband, John, and I [Dot (Fedoryshyn) Strand] went to Greece last October with daughter-in-law Yvette and son Bill Strand, and son Eric Strand.   John, I, and Eric went to run the Oc...
Posted By: Dot Fedoryshyn Strand
Views: 3305

101220  Norina (Jankowski) Gilarde and her 8 grandchildren during the Christmas season, 2010. Norina describes the picture: Me in the middle...To my right is Stephen- In front of Stephen is his...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3320

100815  This is Hank Allessio's family. In the back, from LtoR are Hank- his wife, Judi - his son, Henry Paul. In the middle row, LtoR --oldest daughter, Marlene Mulcahy - Shanon Mulcahy - Keira M...
Posted By: Hank Allessio
Views: 3382

101201  Dick DiNicola and his wife, Mary Lou, during a visit by Dale Miliken, the piano player in the PHS Dance Band in our Junior year.
Posted By: Bob Kidd
Views: 3296

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