Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 122
Every one of us was born in '38, '39 or '40 which makes us all over 70 so there's no reason for your not having a picture of your family and yourself here. Many of us have extended families with grandchildren and such. Here is a place where you can share recent pictures of yourselves with your family or friends. Simply send the file to Paul for adding to this area.

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091225 Here is the family of Sue Rogers Horton at Christmas, 2009. Back row son Tim in funny hat, son Kevin and wife Michelle, son Terry and wife Kim, me, husband Dave, granddaughter Katie.  Front...
Posted By: Sue Rogers Horton
Views: 3532

2009 Family picture of Pat (Stiffler) and Paul Venti's family. Pat and Paul in front. From left to right are son, Dan; Dan's son, Cameron; Sarah Gotthold; daughter, Beth G.; Allison G.; Ben G.; Bri...
Posted By: Pat Stiffler Venti
Views: 3493

Dorothy (Fedoryshyn) Strand with husband John at our son’s wedding July 16, 2009. in California. and after running the NIKE Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco.
Posted By: Dorothy Fedoryshyn Strand
Views: 3489

Here is a 2009 collection from Gary Lausier. Clockwise from the top right are his grandchildren [from top right clockwise: Ashley, Alec, Beau, Claire, Chase, Ryan and Brady]; his children, {Michele...
Posted By: Gary Lausier
Views: 3572

Judy Fairfield Webster with her two daughters, son (right), son-in-law and grandchildren at Thanksgiving, 2009.
Posted By: Judy Fairfield Webster
Views: 3515

Lucena (Lu) Knowlton Winberg's family in 2009. Lu and her husband, Ray. Then, clockwise, are her daughter, Bonnie with her husband, Bill, and Lu's grandchildren, Danny & Katie; son David and wife, ...
Posted By: Lu Knowlton Winberg
Views: 3485

The combo picture of my [Sandy Boldyga Rohlfs] family was taken Thanksgiving day, 2009. On the top from left to right: daughter Christine, son David, daughter Kathy, daughter Sharon, and me. ...
Posted By: Sandy Boldyga Rohlfs
Views: 3525

This is the latest picture (Nov 2009) of my [Jean Radgowski Hanscom] family minus my daughter Theresa. Starting from the left grandson Tristyn, Jeanie, Daughter-in-law Kari, grandson Brenden, grand...
Posted By: Jean Radgowski Hanscom
Views: 3538

091121 Jack Wasuk and his wife, Pat, at his cousin's wedding.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3427

091121  Don Wasuk and his wife, Judy (Martin), at his cousin's wedding in Nov. 2009
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3431

October 2009 Pete Rawson writes: This is a combination picture of my wife of 44 years, Angela, and myself as we drive cross country to spend the winter on the beach in San Diego. First year we both...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3404

091103 This is Judy Passardi Fresia's family in 2009. The adults from left to right: Daughter Lisa Cruz; husband John; Judy; son Johnny; son Marc; and grandsons Nicho and Sam Cruz.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3410

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